Project people
Steering Group
(Please click on the images to view their profiles)
(Please click the images to view their profiles)
Hemoata Brown ~ Ngāti Paoa Ki Waiheke & mana whenua Coordinator
Miranda Cassidy-O'Connell ~ Project Advisor
Kim Collins ~ Hapori ~ Community Coordinator & acting Kaiwhakatere
Lindsay Jeffs ~ Treasurer
Alice McSherry ~ Kaiwhakatere Community ~ Co-Navigator (on leave)
Leigh Takirau ~ Kaiwhakatere Mana Whenua ~ Co-Navigator
Pipi Coordinators
Regenerative Diving Kaihāpai Rukuruku - Tessa O’Shea
Regenerative Diving Kaihāpai Rukuruku Hapori - Leanne Castle*
Youth Snorkelling Kaihāpai Rukuruku - Tessa O’Shea
Kelp Gardeners 2024/5 - Pipi Kairuruku - Maia Baillie
Beach Cleans 2024/5 - Pipi Kairuruku - Maia Baillie
Fishing Tackle Recycling Hangarua - Jude Chambers
Kōura Survey 2023/4 - Brianna Marvin
Kōura Survey 2024/5 - Isabella Penrose* & Britney Jeffs
Communications team
Leigh Takirau*
Kim Collins
Britney Jeffs
Grant Crawford
Isabella Penrose*
(* Ngāti Paoa Ki Waiheke)