Tessa O’Shea
Kia ora rawa atu koutou ma!
Ko Porongia tōku Maunga,
ko Waikato raua ko Waipa ōku Awa,
ko Ngāti Māniapoto toku Iwi,
ko Ngāti Kinohaku toku Hapu,
ko Toko A ngā nui ā noho me Matua Iwi oku Marae,
I tipu ake nei I te Moutere o Waiheke ,
Ko Piritaha te Maunga, ko Piritahi te Whare Tipuna nei
Ko Tikapa te Moana
He uri o Pare Hauraki hoki no Ngati Whanaunga, Ngati Paoa.
Na te taha o toku Whaea Huhana Davis
Oku tino Tupuna Edward Telford Davis I marena mai a Merekaimanu Patene o Ngati Whanaunga.
Ko Tessa tōku ingoa
Ngā mihi nunui kia koutou katoa
I was raised on Waiheke as one kotiro of a large whanau who dedicated ourselves to our marae, our mara, kotahitanga and the establishment and uplifting of the mana of the first marae on Waiheke under the guidance of Kaumātua Kato Te Kauwhata. I attended the first Kohanga reo established in 1985.
My whanau and I have given our time and energy and mana to our community for the betterment of all peoples for over 40 years. I stand in the shadow of my tupuna while I grow and learn. I am here to fill my kete of knowledge and to awhi me tautoko ngā whanau ō WMP to lay a stronger platform of kaitiakitanga for the next generation.