Rose Gregersen
Tēnā koutou,
I am honoured to join the WMP steering group for Te Puāwaitanga.
I was raised between Waiheke, Tāmaki Makarau, and Aotea and have spent most of my life living alongside and loving Tīkapa Moana.
I am a freshwater enthusiast and ecologist - I hold a PhD, MA, and BA in environmental science: freshwater ecology, and currently work as a post-doctoral researcher on the “our lakes our future” project. I have been extremely fortunate to work in collaborative research groups so far in my career and I wouldn’t want to work any other way. I believe research is most privileged when it is conceived, carried out, and implemented collaboratively and used to uphold all knowledge systems. I am more than excited to join the WMP Kaupapa, a living example of what can be achieved through place based, collaborative, and reciprocal action.
While I have limited experience in marine science, I strongly believe that we should not think of the marine and freshwater environments, or any environments, as separate. How we live and rely on the environment on Waiheke has resulted in a unique set of challenges to Tīkapa Moana, many of which start in our freshwater catchments. Universally, I believe freshwater and marine guardianship must be done following ki uta ki tai.
As a community we are privileged to live alongside and enjoy the wonders of Tīkapa Moana, a unique position from which we can help the gulf thrive. I cannot wait to get stuck in and contribute how I can.