Dean Ogilvie
Ko Waiheke te motu, ko Ngāti Paoa te iwi, ko Urikaraka te hapū, ko Hori Pōkai Te Ruinga te tangata, ko Dean Ogilvie tōna ingoa. Having grown up in Tāmaki Makaurau, I trained in Zoology and spent some time as a biologist in an aquaculture venture near Taupo.
A career shift whilst in the UK saw me working in the pharmaceutical industry for many years before working for my iwi Ngāti Paoa. I have also worked in future scenario planning and have recently moved into a role at Stats NZ working with iwi on data analytics and iwi data collection for the 2023 Census.
I am married and a proud father of 3 boys. I have been a member of the Waiheke Marine Project Steering group from its inception and am a Tangata Whenua representative on the Hauraki Gulf Forum, I enjoy sharing my passion about the restoration of the mauri to Tīkapa Moana, specifically te moutere o Waiheke.