Isabella Penrose

Ko Kohukohunui tōku maunga,
Ko Wairoa tōku awa,
Ko Ngāti Paoa, ko Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki, ko Ngāti Maru (Hauraki) ōku iwi e hono ana ki Tīkapa,
Ko Ngāti Kohua tōku hapū,
Ko Mataitai tōku whenua.

I am a uri (descendant) of three iwi connected to Tīkapa Moana: Ngāti Paoa, Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki, and Ngāti Maru (Hauraki). My passion lies with the moana—restoring, conserving, and protecting its mauri (life force). I strive to combine mātauranga Māori and contemporary science to strengthen kaitiakitanga and marine conservation efforts.

I hold a Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology and Environmental Science and recently graduated from Te Wānanga Takiura with a Diploma in Te Reo Māori Oral Fluency.

When I’m not working, you’ll probably find me underwater—scuba diving, freediving, or gathering kaimoana. I absolutely love kōura (red rock lobster)—not just because they’re fascinating creatures, but also because they’re delicious.

Guided by the whakapapa and pūrākau of our moana and whenua, I am passionate about supporting sustainable solutions that honour the taiao and uphold our tikanga.

As a member of the Waiheke Marine Project steering group, I’m here to help protect and restore the magic of Waiheke’s marine ecosystems so our tamariki and mokopuna can enjoy the moana as much as I do—ensuring they can sustainably gather kaimoana for generations to come.