Te Tiriti Workshops

Online and in person workshops on honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi

In July/ August 2022, the WMP partnered with Waiheke Adult Learning (WAL) and Tangata Tiriti- Treaty People to bring online and in person workshops on honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Over 45 people took part in Te Tiriti workshops, learning of the power and dynamism of Māori society pre-1840 and finding hope to be effective tangata tiriti moving forward.

Together, we explored the historical context and ongoing struggles that we face in Aotearoa New Zealand on the path to decolonising our hearts, minds and practices as tauiwi (settled peoples)  and tangata whenua. In these workshops, we were able to sit in the discomfort of our nation’s history as we reckoned with the lived realities of many tangata whenua and then collectively vision and enact pathways toward more respectful, responsible and reciprocal relations in Aotearoa that honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi that hapū rangatira and indeed, even the British governor at the time, William Hobson, signed back in 1840. 

It was an absolute pleasure working with Marisa Maclachlan and Erin Thomas from Tangata Tiriti - Treaty People. Jo and Robyn from WAL, as always, went above and beyond with bringing this to our community - ngā mihi nui ki a kōrua. Heres to more future collaborations going forward!

Quotes from the sessions:

“I've learned (and cried) so much. It was amazing to have a better in-depth understanding of Te Tiriti and Māori activism.” Anonymous

“Showing how we can enable difficult conversation among tauiwi to enable better relationship building with Maori was so valuable. 

“My most significant learning today was that it is important to keep coming to these workshops even if you have done them previously the learnings evolve as does your understanding.” Anonymous

These courses are something we would love to enable to happen more often on the island.

Please get in touch if you would be interested in signing up for future dates when released.

Website links:

Workshop facilitators http://www.treatypeople.org/       

Workshop hosts and partners https://www.wal.org.nz/