Let the funding flow ...

The Waiheke Marine Project (WMP) is a movement that has a ‘long game’ to turn around degradation and regenerate the mauri and wellbeing of Waiheke’s marine environment. Having sufficient financial resources fuels this long game and honours the extensive human resources at play.  Raising funds for marine regeneration is a necessary part of our mahi and is another way of walking WMP values such as diversity and reciprocity. 

  • To truly regenerate marine biodiversity, it will take a diversity of people, sectors and beliefs to commit their financial and in-kind support to the mahi.  The WMP welcomes funds from the whole system who brought their voice to the Future Search back in 2020. (System = Mana whenua, Locals, Fishers & Boaties, Conservationists, Youth, Land Interests, Marine Businesses, Scientists, Central and local Agencies & Politicians.)

  • Giving financially to the WMP has a direct reciprocal benefit. To date, all WMP funders have been committed to achieving a thriving marine environment, some of them even joining in WMP activities and getting wet and proud in the process. 

The WMP fundraises for two types of activity that appeal to different funders.

  1. Backbone funding
    The Backbone is the collaborative and Te Tiriti guided WMP structure that holds, governs, and enables implementation of a complexity of marine regenerative action. It includes paying for a diversity of part time contractors, keeping fresh and relevant communications, enabling dedicated mana whenua capacity, supporting rangatahi and youth energy and maintains the WMP steering group.

  2. Pipi funding
    The Pipi are the many projects underway with the WMP, such as Kelp Gardening, Beach Cleans and dozens of others. Funders will be attracted to different Pipi depending on their particular interests.

Currently the WMP is hugely appreciative and humbled by existing funders as profiled on the footer of each page of the WMP website. These funders have demonstrated a generosity and courage to support locally driven marine regeneration. Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou!!

In an effort to welcome new funding flow, the WMP has recently made a new drop down on the Get Involved page on the website called Donate Now https://www.waihekemarineproject.org/donate-today

Here you will find ways to donate directly to a Pipi/Project of your choice or a way to contact us and discuss how you would like to financially support the activities of the Waiheke Marine Project.  We have two wonderful products to give as a thank you for your donation. Either a bucket hat or a stainless steel drink bottle. Both are useful items for marine based activities and feature the WMP logo and Ngāti Paoa gifted whakatauki.


International Marine Protected Area Congress (IMPAC5)


In Flow